
HippoBase - Login

The HippoBase Login

Login HippoBase can be accessed through its login page at

Requesting a New Account

User accounts are issued by Equinis. All user accounts are named personal accounts and may be used by the respective person only.

When requesting a user account at the following information is required:

  • first and lastname of person
  • a personal email address
  • direct phone / mobile
  • area of responsibility
  • optional: information on limited access/rights

Once an account has been set up, the user will be informed directly in two separate emails: One with the address of the login page and the username and an other one with the password only.

Equinis will NOT distribute any login information and passwords via other people as this contradicts the sense of personal user accounts.

Responsibility of the User and Modification Timestamps

The holder of a user account has the full resonsibility for any actions undertaken with that account. When a user inserts or modifies data in the system his name and a timestamp is saved with the changes. This modification timestamp is visible to other users and allows to trace back who did when what.

I have forgotten my password...

If you do not remember your username or password please contact .